Solar Power
Whilst the price of electricity in New Zealand has increased, the price of solar has decreased, making solar power a more attractive option for future-proofing household expenditure.
By going solar, you are choosing to install solar panels either on your roof or on the ground, that will convert radiant energy from the sun into electricity that you can readily use or store for later use, offsetting the energy that you would have used from your electricity provider.
Generating electricity from solar energy is a proven technology. Solar energy has been in use for decades (or millions of years if you consider photosynthesis), from powering small devices such as calculators to larger devices such as satellites, space probes, space stations, and the Mars Rover. For residential purposes, the end-to-end process from solar cell manufacturing, to solar panel integration, to installation, and to seeing actual bill reductions is also proven. The components that comprise a solar system have no moving parts, require no regular maintenance, and are highly durable and reliable, with 10 – 25 year manufacturers’ warranties that are standard in the industry.
Just as the technology is proven, so are the savings that solar generates. Solar is an investment that will generate electricity and provides tangible savings from the day of operation, resulting in a hedge against future electricity price increases, a relatively short payback period and an above average return on your investment.
Additionally, solar has been shown to add value to house prices. Studies in the US have found the average increase in house prices were higher than the cost of the solar system. Whilst no equivalent studies have taken place in New Zealand, it is expected that having solar installed on your home will attract similar value.
Feels good to be doing your bit in reducing greenhouse gases. Solar provides a personal and visible contribution to greenhouse gas reduction and wider environmental benefits.
Going solar should not be discounted based on the belief that solar is not affordable. Technology improvements to solar panels have meant that their price have reduced significantly over the last five years, meaning a 3kw system is on average 20% cheaper today.
Coupled with improvements to solar technology, the increase in solar suppliers on the market benefits the customer with access to more competitive pricing than ever before.